If you have already created a Telegram bot in the past, type the command /mybots and open your bot, then click API token.
If you never created a Telegram bot before, type the command /newbot to create a new bot. The BotFather will ask you for a name and username, enter them and generate the authentication token. More details at https://core.telegram.org/bots.
Copy the token and paste it into Getyn Chat > Telegram > Token, then click Synchronize now. Your website must use HTTPS (SSL certificate), HTTP is not supported.
You're done. All messages sent to your Telegram bot will appear in the conversation admin area of Getyn Chat.
More information
Getyn Chat rich messages are automatically converted to Telegram rich messages when possible, otherwise they are removed from the message.
Telegram conversations and messages are compatible with queue and routing.
The chatbot is supported. The human takeover feature is supported.
The supported AI features include language detetction, spelling correction, multilingual via translation, Google search.
The follow-up message is supported, but the message is always sent, also if an agent replies.
The offline message is supported, but the timetable is not sent.
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