Easily enable AI Module in Getyn Chat and use many inbuilt features in Getyn Chat to automatically handle your incoming chats. Use the power of OpenAI with Getyn Chat and respond to customers with ease. Here is how you can configure various settings:
Manual sync mode
The OpenAI (ChatGPT) integration gives your chatbot the ability to answer general questions about almost anything you can imagine. To start using it, follow the steps below.
- Register at https://beta.openai.com/signup.
- Get an API key from https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys and paste it into Settings > Artificial Intelligence > OpenAI > API key
- Enable the chatbot from Settings > Artificial Intelligence > OpenAI > Chatbot.
- If OpenAI is not working, click here.
- If Dialogflow is active, the OpenAI query is performed only if the chatbot does not know the answer to the user's question and if the length of the user's message is greater than 4 characters.
- The following settings are compatible with OpenAI: Smart reply, Human takeover, Disable for the tickets area, Disable during office hours, Bot response delay, Reply to user emails, Reply to user text messages.
- The following Google settings are compatible with OpenAI: Multilingual, Multilingual via translation, Automatic translation, Language detection
- If a human takes control, the OpenAI chatbot is deactivated, and is remains deactivated also if the agent goes offline. The Dialogflow chatbot continues to function whenever necessary.
- The default model is gpt-3.5-turbo.
- OpenAI supports the use of voice messages through speech recognition.
See information about most OpenAI settings here.
Chatbot mode
This feature is related to the Settings > Artificial Intelligence > OpenAI > Chatbot mode option. It allows you to configure the information OpenAI will use to respond to user messages.
- Only general questions OpenAI will respond only to general questions and questions related to previous user messages in the same conversation, without using any information you provide. This is the default setting.
- Only questions related to your sources OpenAI will only respond to questions related to the information you provide. The user messages will be ignored. You have to first train the chatbot with your sources.
- All questions OpenAI will only to questions related to the information you provide, to general questions, and to questions related to previous user messages in the same conversation. You have to first train the chatbot with your sources. This is the recommended mode.
- Assistant Use this mode if you are using an OpenAI Assistant.
This features allow you to use your own Assistants created at https://platform.openai.com/assistants.
- If you are using the cloud version you have to set Settings > Artificial Intelligence > OpenAI > Sync mode to Manual and use your own API key.
- You can use multiple assistants by adding their IDs in Settings > Artificial Intelligence > OpenAI Assistants - Department linking and selecting Assistant in Settings > Artificial Intelligence > OpenAI > Chatbot mode. To activate an assistant, both the assistant and the conversations must be assigned to a department.
- The assistant is used only for the chatbot, and smart replies, not for the message rewriting and other features.
The OpenAI chatbot feature functions similarly to Dialogflow, providing automated responses to user messages. Select the Chatbot mode setting to specify the questions that the chatbot is capable of responding to. Utilize the human takeover feature to enable the chatbot to redirect the chat to a human agent as necessary.
Fallback message
The fallback message is sent when OpenAI is unable to understand the user question. If the Dialogflow chatbot is enabled, the fallback message will be turned off and the Dialogflow chatbot's fallback message will be utilized instead.
The prompt instructs OpenAI on how to respond by providing relevant information that can be utilized to answer user inquiries. To comprehend the process, refer to the example prompts listed below.
If you choose to activate the human takeover feature, you need to tell OpenAI to respond with I don't know if it is unable to provide an answer to the user's question. You should always include the following text in the prompt: Respond "I don't know", if not sure about the answer.
Prompt - Message rewriting
This prompt instructs OpenAI on how to rewrite a message when the Message rewrite button is active. This prompt should be in English. Getyn Chat automatically add the following text when required: and use the user langauge, add greetings.
Replies from the training sources can be utilized with the prompt feature as they are compatible.
Spelling correction
This feature automatically fix any spelling mistakes in the agent's message.
Smart reply
This feature allow to enable the Smart Reply feature also if the chatbot is not active. If the chatbot is active the Smart Reply feature will use OpenAI automatically.
Dialogflow spelling correction
In the case where Dialogflow is unable to find the appropriate response to the user's message, this function verifies if there are any spelling errors. If any such errors exist, Dialogflow is prompted again with the correctly spelled version of the message for an accurate response. Although it has a higher priority, this feature can still work together with the Google search spelling correction feature.
Message rewrite button
This feature adds a button to the text field of the conversation area, click on it to rewrite your message and make it more friendly and professional. Greetings will be added automatically if there is no previous agent messages. If your language is not English, you have to edit your agent/admin profile and set the correct language.
Speech recognition
When this option is active, audio messages will be converted to written text.
- You do not need to activate this feature for the chatbot to understand audio messages. The speech recognition feature of the chatbot is always enabled.
- For this feature to work better, the user language should be know. To automatically detect the user's language, you can enable the language detection feature.
- The text will be displayed alongside the audio player.
- The generated text is compatible with the translation features.
Source links
When this option is active, the response will automatically include the links to the sources and training data used for generating the answer. To include articles as sources you have first to set the articles page in Settings > Articles > Articles page URL.
Note data scraping
When this option is active, you will see a menu in the notes panel. The menu enables the automatic extraction of specific information from the user's messages.
OpenAI parameters
Getyn Chat allows you to adjust various OpenAI parameters such as temperature and logit_bias, for more details visit https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create. Don't set any values if you don't know what these parameters do or OpenAI may stop working.
Logit bias
The Logit bias parameter must be JSON string and the keys must be strings, for example: {"2435":-100, "640":-100}.
Generate user questions
When this option is active, OpenAI will generate new user questions in real time when you open the chatbot training window.
Use conversations for training
Automatically use conversations to train the chatbot at regular intervals. You will find the training data in Chatbot > Training > Conversations. The training is done via cron job every 24 hours. Only user and agent messages are used, chatbot messages are ignored.
- Make a backup of your Dialogflow agent first.
- This task can take several minutes or even hours if your chatbot has a lot of Intents. Since the operation takes a long time, your server may interrupt the operation (operation timeout) before it finishes, in which case you need to click the button again. You can verify if the operation is interrupted by checking the browser console for errors.
- This task is performed only once per Intent. Previously processed Intents will be ignored.
- This task checks existing user expressions and does not create duplicates.
- The first 5 user expressions will be used to generate new user expressions.
- Since this is an automated process, we strongly recommend reviewing your Intents after the task has been completed.
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